Thursday 7 October 2010

Get Jovial, douchebag!

I have been struggling to get my ideas together for this first uni brief. I want to have some diverse outcomes, not just a stack of paper prints as usual. Ideally I would like to make a zine, some poster designs, maybe some wallpaper/repeat patterns, a pile of badges and a t-shirt design. But I doubt all that will happen in a week. At the very least I want to produce a zine and hand draw some stuff for a repeat pattern. This is a bit of experimentation I did with our sewing machine. It started out as me checking whether I would be able to use it to stitch the spine of my zine and morphed into me wiggling bits of paper under the needle and seeing what happened. I'm pretty happy with the outcome, I will try and do some more experimentation with this. It adds a nice bit of texture to an otherwise flat image. Although it's not exactly original. Meh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice one Granty! I like it and I have to say I haven't seen something like that before... it's a bit more minimal and more slick which is a nice twist on that whole method.