Friday 26 June 2009

Winchester Market

A few pics from the stall we set up a few weeks ago. Terrible quality on the photos, might try putting them up on flickr.

Sunday 21 June 2009

Dont Panic! - poster design competition

I have entered my 'dominate' vector into a poster competition on Only recently found the site, and so my entry is a little late! meh. check it out below:

Don't Panic

The theme is 'power' - I thought my piece was quite fitting. The next one is 'feminism'...not my strong point.

I'm in the process of trying to throw together some threadless ideas too.

Sunday 7 June 2009

new sheet

Tuesday 2 June 2009

ch-ch-ch changes!

A few new changes made to my website, a new landing page image for your viewing pleasure. A busy couple of days ahead, I'm preparing some prints and miscellaneous work for a stall in Winchester market. Fun times! I've been doing some spray painting, going to attempt lino print, maybe make some cards and postcards. I've already managed to spray paint myself in the face and almost blind myself in the process. Hopefully there will be no more disasters! I have finished uni for the summer and I'm desperate to make some money while avoiding a 'proper' job at all this space for tales of my success or possible failure! 

Monday 1 June 2009

Urban Rhino Development


an inital piece for the WSA summer brief, based on the word DOMINATE.